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Acne Scars

Acne scars commonly occur on the face, chest and back. Those that have acne have a one out of five chance of developping scars. have two primary types: those that are elevated on the skin's surface or those that form when tissue is lost from the acne, leaving an indentation in the skin.

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Treatments for Acne Scars

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Mesotherapy with U225 gun helps break the fibrotic bonds and help tissue regenarate by growing healthy collagen and elastin. Minimum 3 sessions 1 month apart are  needed to see improvements.


Sylfirm X treatments are very effective at breaking up the collage adhesions underneath pitted acne scars and effectively remodeling the scars by filling them with new, healthy collagen.

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Moxi laser's unique delivery method creates thousands of fractionated treatment zones, which stimulates the body’s natural healing response and help reduce the appearance of acne scars.


Fillers are used to compensate for some of the volume loss caused by the scars. Radiesse filler and a biostimulator has shown great results in reducing scaring and long term collagen production.



Subcision-aka subcutaneuous incisionless surgery uses a tri beveled hypodermic needle to break the fibrotic strands that provides long term improvement in the "rolling scars" of patients.

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