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Liquid Freezing

LaSalle Medical Aesthetics is now offering Liquid Freezing treatments with CryoSuccess, a portable cryosurgery device ideal for use in minor surgery.

The CryoSuccess uses cold expansion, whereby liquid nitrous oxide is brought directly through a micro capillary to the area to be treated, under a remaining constant temperature of -89° C (184.4 K). Freezing of the tissue to a depth of 3 mm, by a diameter of 10 mm is reached after an application time of 12 seconds. Patients feel a light tickle, similar to a mosquito bite. In the following days, normally a necrosis forms, peeling after approx. 10 to 14 days. Usually pigmentation comes back after a few weeks. However, the re-pigmentation could also take longer depending on the type of skin. Pain is usually not felt but of course the sensitivity for pain is quite individual. Therefore, a higher sensitivity is possible when removing bigger lesions.

Several skin conditions can be treated with this device, such as:


Talk to our Nurse Practitioner to determine if the treatment works for you!

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